The Foundation Administrators Network (FAN) is a Philanthropy New York professional peer network designed to support HR and operations professionals at Philanthropy New York member grantmaking organizations.
Formerly the Business Administrators Network, members of this network manage aspects of their foundation’s administration, including operations, human resources, compensation and benefits, and office management. FAN creates a supportive environment to share knowledge and resources, to test complex ideas with peers about administrative issues related to managing a foundation, and to strengthen professional skills and expertise.
Benefits and Activities
- Listserv forum to post and answer confidential topics and access to historical responses for benchmarking purposes
- Quarterly meetings focused on broad topics submitted by FAN members, with time also set aside for ad hoc discussion
- Exclusive benefits surveys covering a universe of area grantmakers
- Opportunities to meet other grantmaking administrators
Network Co-Chairs
The network is guided by the leadership of Co-Chairs, each serving two-year terms.
- Nick Collins, Human Resources Manager, Wallace Foundation
- Jo-Anna Joseph, Chief People Officer, Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
- Toyia Phillips, Director of Human Resources and Administration, Arcus Foundation
- Brigite Requeijo, Director of Human Resources and Operations, Rockefeller Archives Center
Join the Network
Contact Yi-Ching Lin, VP of Learning at Philanthropy New York.
Email Listserv / Discussion Group
Current FAN members may access the discussion group here or go to My Account. (Login required)
FAQs about the Foundation Administrators Network
Q: Are there eligibility requirements to join FAN?
A: FAN is open to staff and trustees of Philanthropy New York member organizations who manage aspects of their foundation’s administration. This may include, but is not limited to, operations, human resources, compensation and benefits, and office management. Final decisions about network membership eligibility rest with Philanthropy New York.
Q: Can multiple people from one member organization participate in FAN?
A: Yes. FAN is open to multiple individuals from member organizations, assuming their professional responsibilities are in line with FAN’s mission.
Q: What time commitment is required of FAN members?
A: It would be great if all people could participate in all things, but we realize this is not realistic. Although FAN encourages participation and is grateful to receive it, FAN exists to serve its members, not the other way around. All contributions are welcome!
Q: What is the leadership structure of FAN?
A: Four FAN co-chairs serve two-year terms and work with PNY staff to coordinate quarterly meetings and provide general leadership to the network.