The Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing, established in 2012 by a grant from the Simons Foundation, brings together leading researchers to explore both the theoretical underpinnings of computer science and its potential to shed light on a...
When it comes to giving away his fortune, Michael R. Bloomberg, the former mayor of New York City and founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies, says he seeks causes others may have overlooked and ways to test new ideas.
In conversation with Robin Roberts, Sec. Clinton will discuss the No Ceilings initiative, gender and LGBT issues, international economic development and other topics. Philanthropy New York’s 35th Annual Meeting also features Anu Bhagwati, Farhana...
The W.K. Kellogg Foundation offers an online racial equity resource guide. The web-based, interactive solution provides individuals and organizations with access to extensive learning materials, tools and data on racial inequities, their impact on communities of color and the process for healing racial wounds so that communities can work together across differences.
In response to member interest, Philanthropy New York piloted a new peer network last fall to create a peer-learning community for NYC-based philanthropic advisors. The network aims to provide a supportive space for advisors to build relationships...
Strategic volunteerism is a critical component of how corporations harness the time and talent of colleagues at all levels to support nonprofit partners and meet true community needs. This working breakfast will focus upon best practices in aligning...
In conversation with Robin Roberts, Sec. Clinton discussed the No Ceilings initiative, #BringBackOurGirls, education, presidential politics and strategies to full equality. Philanthropy New York’s 35th Annual Meeting also featured Anu Bhagwati,...
Every family philanthropy experiences the joy, the sadness, the complexity, and the energy of transitions. Moving toward new leadership in the family can be difficult, emotional, and sometimes frustrating. However, when it is done deliberately and...
Applications for the 2014 New York Community Trust Nonprofit Excellence Awards up by 25 percent overall – three times the number of Long Island organizations apply; Applications from Brooklyn and Queens double.
Wednesday, June 18, 2014 (All day) to Thursday, June 19, 2014 (All day)
At the fifth Annual Social Impact Exchange Conference, funders, advisors and leaders gather to share knowledge, learn about co-funding opportunities and develop a community to help scale top initiatives and build the field.
Philanthropy has played a critical role in the nascent world of Social Impact Bonds (SIBs) and Pay-For-Success (PFS). Foundations can act as investors by providing credit enhancement, grants, and PRIs, but they can also increase demand for SIB/PFS...
For funders bailing out Detroit, does the funding commit them to a long-term engagement or is it a one-time rescue mission? Ford Foundation discussed in The Atlantic.