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Why Cultural Critics of Color Matter

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Elizabeth Mendez Berry, Director, Voice, Creativity and Culture at The Nathan Cummings Foundations writes "The Black Panther conversation is an example of what pop culture critics of color can do with resources and real estate. The coverage of Coco...
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17 May 2018

Family Separation Policies and Access to Justice in Detention Systems - A Webinar Hosted by GCIR

Thursday, May 17, 2018 -
4:00pm to 5:00pm
The administration has engaged in a wide range of policies that are causing immigrant and refugee families to be separated. The detention of community members and the recent raid in Tennessee demonstrate how mothers and fathers are being separated...
08 Nov 2018

Tech Tools: Virtual Site Visits, Data Analysis, and Board Activities - A Webinar Hosted by NCFP

Thursday, November 8, 2018 -
12:00pm to 1:30pm
Family philanthropies in 2018 have the opportunity to leverage a wide and growing variety of technology to improve our philanthropic work. Every day there are new inventions that you can use to engage further with your community, track success, and...
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