The Lates phase initiative from 2017-2020 will engage a second cohort of cities in 2.75 years of technical assistance to develop and implement strategies that equitably connect children to nature, with support of $75,000 in planning and...
If current trends in child obesity continue, more than 57% of today’s children in the U.S. will have obesity at age 35, according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
The National Trust for Historic Preservation, in partnership with the Ford Foundation, The JPB Foundation, and the Open Society Foundations, today announced the launch of the African-American Cultural Heritage Action Fund (AACHAF).
On Thursday, the city’s three library systems — the New York Public Library, which serves Manhattan, the Bronx and Staten Island; the Queens Library; and the Brooklyn Public Library — will forgive all fines for children 17 and under and unblock...
Drinking too much alcohol can damage the liver, but investigators have discovered a protective response in the organ that might be targeted to help treat alcoholic liver disease. The team - led by researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center...
The Pop Culture Collaborative announced more than $700,000 in initial grant awards to social justice and entertainment organizations working to shift popular narratives in entertainment with regard to people of color, immigrant families and...
Applicants sought for rapid response grants that are available on a rolling basis throughout the year for any individual, organization or company working to harness the power of pop culture to create just, authentic narratives of people of color,...
A penny-per-ounce state tax on sugar-sweetened beverages could raise $561 million a year in new revenue for Illinois, while also saving millions in health care costs associated with obesity and diabetes, according to a new study released Tuesday by...
Their experiments under lab conditions show that these resistant cells can quickly replace diseased cells, potentially curing the disease in a person with HIV.
Seven community-based nonprofits and affordable housing developers have been selected to receive grants from Clean Energy Group’s Resilient Power Leadership Initiative , as part of the Resilient Power Project, to build their organizational capacity...
While foundation funding in support of global human rights initiatives rose to $2.7 billion in 2014, from $2.3 billion in 2013, the share of funding for migrants and refuges remained flat, a report from Foundation Center and the International Human...
As we prepare for a presidential election and think deeply about the direction of our country in light of current events, it seemed important to watch America Divided.
Building on a state's strengths in advanced energy technology can maximize job growth and give a state a competitive economic edge, according to research from the American Jobs Project.
Most critiques highlight data showing that low-income people and people of color are underrepresented in bike-share annual membership and thus conclude that funding bike-share is inequitable and inherently questionable.
The technical assistance service, launched to coincide with the Housing California conference in Sacramento, is funded by a grant from The JPB Foundation and is intended to reduce barriers to entry and help affordable housing providers install solar...