*This program is hosted by our partner, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR), who has extended an invitation to PNY members. Space is limited and will be granted on a first come, first served basis.*
From the Lone Star State to the White House, the month of May has seen several policy changes that will have a negative impact on immigrant communities and communities of color across the country. In Texas, the governor signed into law a bill that bans sanctuary cities and enables all law enforcement officers to enforce federal immigration law. In Washington, the president established a Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity to investigate voter-fraud claims and appointed a prominent anti-immigration activist Kris Kobach as vice chair. And on May 23, the administration faces a deadline on whether to extend temporary protected status for 50,000 Haitians or whether to deport them. Join our upcoming call to learn about these policy developments.
Due to the urgent and far-reaching nature of this week's policy developments, GCIR postponed the originally planned discussion, Trauma and Resilience: Supporting Immigrant Children, their Families, and Our Communities through Collaboration, until June 15, 2017.
- The policy issues impacting immigrant and refugee communities
- Jose Garza, Executive Director, Workers Defense Project
- Tom Jawetz, Vice President, Immigration, Center for American Progress
- Aryah Somers Landsberger(Moderator), Director of Programs, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees
Designed for
All interested funders. Please note that calls are open to GCIR members, other grantmaking institutions, philanthropic advisors, and members and staff of funder affinity groups and regional associations of grantmakers. (Participation is limited to organizations that share GCIR’s core values.)
Registration is required by May 17th.
Members and Non-Member Funders: Please click on the "Register Now" link above. Dial-in and webinar information will be emailed to you before the webinar.
Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org with any questions.
In collaboration with
Forum of Regional Associations of Grantmakers
Funders' Committee for Civic Participation
Funders for LGBTQ Issues
Grantmakers Income Security Taskforce
Grantmakers of Oregon and Southwest Washington
International Human Rights Funders Group
National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy
Neighborhood Funders Group
Peace and Security Funders Group
Northern California Grantmakers
San Diego Grantmakers
Southern California Grantmakers