In addition to quarterly meetings, the Foundation Administrators Network hosts a summer brown bag lunch series. Rather than have a set agenda and program, these lunches are forums for small, informal group discussions that can be shaped by current issues on members’ minds and desks.
During this Brown Bag Lunch session, we look forward to discussing the value of building networks and relationships in our work. Almost everyone agrees that building relationships and networks are important for so many reasons; career opportunities, connecting with peers, sharing ideas and resources, influencing and mentoring, and so much more. However, it can be difficult to find the time and energy required to cultivate and nurture such relationships.
Why not start, or continue to grow your network connections by joining us for an interactive discussion/brown bag FAN lunch discussion of best practices for relationship building and networking. Topics for discussion will include how and where to meet new people, how to identify networks, and how/when to use social media as a platform to strengthen relationships.
And, of course, we will continue our tradition of welcoming new FAN members. We invite new members to share what they hope to get out of FAN—and FAN veterans can share more about the network’s innumerable benefits.
Designed for
Members of FAN, as well as prospective FAN members who have a responsibility for foundation administration, including human resources and operations.
12:30 - 1:30 PM Discussion
*This is a brown bag lunch series. Come and enjoy your lunch in the company of your peers.
This event is only open to Philanthropy New York members. Registration is required by July 11.
Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above.
*Reminder: As always, creating a confidential space at network meetings is very important. Please do not share specific details from the meetings with individuals outside the network.
Please contact with questions.