Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Director of Older Adults Grants Departs Weinberg Foundation

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation, one of the largest private foundations in the United States, announces that Michael Marcus, Program Director, Older Adults Services, will leave the Foundation on February 29, 2016. After almost a decade at the Weinberg Foundation, Marcus will leave to launch his own consulting business focused on policy and advocacy efforts for older adults in the United States.
Rachel Garbow Monroe, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Weinberg Foundation, stated, "Michael Marcus has helped to establish this organization as a national leader in grants supporting older adults." Monroe added, "Michael has provided leadership and vision in national and regional initiatives intended to build the field of aging supports and services. We will miss him, and we congratulate him on this next, exciting chapter of his career."
"The Weinberg Foundation has given me an incredible opportunity," said Marcus. "The Foundation, by funding extraordinary grantees and services, is committed to allowing older adults to reside where they wish so that they may live out their lives with as much independence as possible and in dignity. Beyond professional accomplishments, I particularly enjoyed my connection with wonderful colleagues at the Foundation."
Later this year, Marcus will launch Consultants for Community Resources, a consulting firm that will address policy and community development work connected to the field of older adult services. He is also co-authoring a book on aging in community.
Aaron Merki, Program Officer, Older Adults, will be responsible for managing all Older Adults grantmaking in the US and Canada. Rafi Rone, who joined the Foundation on January 4, will manage the Foundation's Older Adults portfolio in Israel.