Karen will continue the firm’s commitment to expanding economic inclusion around the globe through innovative programs, research, and by leveraging the firm’s vast resources and talented employees.
Philanthropy New York’s Board of Directors is one of the most highly engaged boards with which I have ever worked. Not only do they show up (!) but they attend their quarterly board meetings well prepared and ready to explore complicated membership...
Stella and Charles Guttman Community College, the City University of New York’s newest institution, will relocate from its Midtown home to much larger digs in a CUNY-owned building on the Upper West Side.
A new research project by the Peace and Security Funders Group (PSFG), in conjunction with Foundation Center, finds that peace and security funders are making important contributions to global peace and stability.
Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon introduced a program called PRO Neighborhoods to support areas of the country that have missed out on the benefits of recent urban development.
The Rockefeller Family Fund has long campaigned for green energy and against carbon emissions, so its fossil fuel investments certainly did not make sense ethically, but financially. Other organizations and investors are also questioning fossil fuel...
Albany launched its innovative Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program, a harm-reduction oriented program to reduce low-level arrests and recidivism.
There are many non-profit organizations dedicated to identifying and helping victims of labor trafficking and now private businesses are joining in to help address the issue.