It was a proud moment for New York City when its public school system began implementing universal free school lunch on the first day of the school year in 2017.
The Amida Care Fund at Stonewall Community Foundation announced today that it has awarded a total of $30,000 in grant funding for innovative HIV prevention and services to several community-based organizations to help them continue their important...
Primary care doctors in the U.S. struggle to coordinate care and communicate with other health and social service providers, according to results from the 2019 Commonwealth Fund International Health Policy Survey, published by the journal Health...
Nonprofit work on redistricting is NOT partisan, and, to achieve truly fair representation, foundation support is crucial to executing deep engagement that establishes community-defined, non-gerrymandered lines that demarcate authentic neighborhood...
Recent critiques of philanthropy strike at a fundamental question: How can an institution built on the unjust accumulation of wealth serve as a vehicle for justice?
In recognition of Transgender Day of Remembrance, The Foundation is awarding $180,000 to six transgender, gender nonconforming, and non-binary (TGNCNB) organizations.
Second round of grants from a New York Community Trust funder collaboration focuses on organizations closest to hard-to-count communities across New York State.
The Funders’ Network (TFN), in partnership with the Urban Sustainability Directors Network, is pleased to announce the opening of Round 16 of the Partners for Places grant program.