Initiatives from the Open Society Foundations and the Schott Foundation for Public Education are cited in a Nonprofit Quarterly article on the possible philanthropic response to the death of Trayvon Martin.
The grant recipients’ efforts include provide palliative care to people with dementia, promoting philanthropy in the Republic of Ireland, and improving outcomes for children and youth in Northern Ireland.
We’re pleased to have Shawn Dove, Manager of the Open Society Foundations’ Campaign for Black Male Achievement, discuss the effect of President Obama’s comments after the Trayvon Martin verdict and the steps philanthropy can take to address the...
For the first time, Target is letting its shoppers decide, via Facebook, how it will distribute $5 million in donations to public schools through its “Give With Target” campaign. (Target President of Community Relations Laysha Ward is also quoted in...
By Shawn Dove Campaign Manager, Campaign for Black Male Achievement Open Society Foundations How do we as a nation now heal from the open wound caused by the Zimmerman verdict? Words from Rev...
Goldman Sachs and the Pritzker Group will fund the expansion of an early-childhood program in Salt Lake City's Granite School District through a social impact bond.
The grant from the American Red Cross will be distributed through the foundation's Hurricane Sandy Nonprofit Recovery Fund and help support community-based organizations providing home repairs for seniors, mental health services and coordination of...
Robert Garris, Managing Director of the Bellagio Programs at The Rockefeller Foundation, answers that question while talking about Gather, the new Rockefeller guide for planners and change agents interested in harnessing the potential of collective...
by Robert Garris , Managing Director, Bellagio Programs , The Rockefeller Foundation With so many effective communication technologies available, it would be easy to assume that Skype, videoconferencing, webinars...