On the steps of City Hall this morning, an education advocacy group held a rally that had nothing to do with universal pre-kindergarten or charter schools.
Bruce S. Trachtenberg, Executive Director of the Communications Network, has announced that he will be stepping down from his position as of December 31, 2013.
Arabella Advisors has announced the appointments of Wil Priester as Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Shelley Whelpton as a Managing Director. Both are based in Washington, DC.
Jessi Stafford is the new Blogger & Social Media Specialist for The Century Foundation. In her position, she produces content for the foundation's Blog of the Century and develops and executes TCF's social media strategy, including day-to-day...
The Education Funders Research Initiative’s recent Education Forum conversation on the achievement gap in New York City was reviewed on The Times’ SchoolBook blog.
Jason R. Lilien, former New York State Charities Bureau Chief under Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman and former Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, has moved on to joined the firm of Zuckerman Spaeder LLP. Lilien will be leading the firm's new...
Century Foundation Policy Associate Halley Potter reports from our Education Funders Research Initiative launch and shares three proposals from the event that she found particularly compelling.
The Surdna Foundation has announced the appointment of Richard Correia, an experienced operations and fund accountant, and C.P.A. candidate, as Assistant Controller.