The new Every Student Succeeds Act rolls back much of the federal government's big footprint in education policy, on everything from testing and teacher quality to low-performing schools. And it gives big new leeway to states in calling the shots.
The San Francisco-based Wikimedia Foundation has announced a $3 million grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation to make freely licensed images accessible and reusable across the World Wide Web.
It’s called Give , and will air on NBC TV this Saturday at noon EST, featuring two nonprofits, Green City Force and NEBHDCo, grantees in the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund’s Healthy Food & Community Change initiative.
New York State Health Foundation welcomes its newest Program Officer, Nupur Chaudhury, who came from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene's Center for Health Equity, where she directed the Neighborhood Health Development Unit.
City & State is proud to announce the 2017 50 Over 50 honorees! The 50 Over 50 Awards recognizes some of the most distinguished public servants in New York City over the age of 50 who have committed decades of their life to making the city a...
The Simons Foundation is delighted to announce the formation of the Center for Computational Quantum Physics, in the foundation’s new Flatiron Institute, and the appointment of Antoine Georges as its director.
The Future Cities Accelerator announced 10 $100,000 grants to organizations devoted to improving the lives of the urban poor, with the hope that some will be successful enough to export to other cities.
Commemorating 100 years of service as a community safety net and champion of Jewish life for more than 4.5 million people in New York, Israel, and around the world, UJA-Federation of New York is launching Time for Good, the largest volunteer effort...