For those working in the fields of protecting the rights of refugees and asylum seekers, the last few years have been a persistent and mounting challenge.
Technology helps schools make smart decisions on when it’s safe to return to campus, monitor the health of students and teachers, and better support those who are learning remotely
The grant to the Jaeb Center for Health Research Foundation will be used to evaluate the efficacy of a virtual specialty clinic model for improving clinical and psychosocial outcomes for people with diabetes.
The Board of the Fund for the City of New York announced today that its long-time President, Mary McCormick, will step down on September 1 st , she will be succeeded by Lisette Nieves
The grants will allow incarcerated students across the nation to continue learning while in-person instruction is paused as part of ongoing efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19.
More than $2.3 million has been awarded to support 61 businesses and residential landlords with COVID-19 related costs and expenses through the New York Forward Loan Fund.
Philanthropy New York will be signing on to a national funder letter, championed by the Census Funders and the Forum, urging the Bureau to reconsider the amended final date of the Census.
Since 2017, AFRE has been a space where leaders on the frontlines of the struggle for racial equity in South Africa and the United States engageto build long-term solutions for impactful change.
The Los Angeles based, nonprofit organization Homeboy Industries has been chosen as the 2020 Humanitarian Prize recipient and will receive $2.5 million in unrestricted funding.