A new United Hospital Fund report focuses on the quality measures to consider as part of value-based payment arrangements for children’s health care. Rolling children’s care into broader reform efforts rooted in value-based payment requires close...
The country was horrified this weekend to learn of the massacre in Orlando affecting the LGBT and Latino communities, now known as the worst mass shooting in American history.
While communities like Brownsville decry the lack of accessible healthcare services in their communities, they are also recognizing that good health outcomes for their neighbors rely on lots of other factors that they can help improve.
At the State of the Women Summit, Ana Oliveira announces 7 other women's foundations across the United States that will initiate Young Women's Initiatives.
Susan Olivo of the Reader’s Digest Partners for Sight Foundation and Cynthia Rivera Weissblum of the Edwin Gould Foundation write about issues hindering diversity in philanthropy.
Kyle Caldwell of the Johnson Center for Philanthropy, Donna Murray-Brown of the Michigan Nonprofit Association and Rob Collier of the Council of Michigan Foundations all agree that taxes and tax policy matter, especially in the nonprofit sector.