The Medals of Philanthropy are awarded every two years to families and individuals around the world who, like Andrew Carnegie, have dedicated their private wealth to the public good. (Carnegie Corporation of New York President Vartan Gregorian is...
The Global Health Investment Fund, which will back late-stage development of technologies to fight diseases including malaria, tuberculosis and HIV, as well as maternal and infant mortality, in low-income countries.
The project, in partnership with the Open Society Foundations' Campaign for Black Male Achievement and the Heinz Endowments, has worked over the last two years to recognize black male leaders from all walks of life.
The University of Washington, Northern Arizona University and the University of Florida will each receive $1.5 million to provide undergraduates with opportunities to participate in mentored research activities in conservation biology and other...
In this episode of the Social Good podcast, the NoVo Foundation Co-Chair discusses why he decided to write his New York Times op-ed and how social media are helping to spread a thoughtful debate about the future of philanthropy.
Four nonprofit leaders — including Gail B. Nayowith, founding Executive Director of the Laurie M. Tisch Illumination Fund — respond to a recent SSIR article on how the nonprofit sector sets its goals and achieves impact.