Voluntary summer-learning programs can help narrow academic achievement gaps between children from low-income families and those from high-income families, a report from the Wallace Foundation and the RAND Corporation finds.
Today, the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation issued a series of recommendations for leaders of nursing schools, primary care practices, and health systems on preparing registered nurses for enhanced roles in primary care.
United Hospital Fund paid tribute to Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, MD, Scott B. Salmirs, and Herbert Pardes, MD,at its annual gala, acknowledging their important contributions to improving health and health care.
Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified a pathway involved in harming rods and cones and have found a way to halt that damage.
The aim is to help "change the landscape" of American racial discourse by openly acknowledging a painful past, much as Germany has Holocaust memorials and South Africa a museum on its past state-sanctioned segregation - apartheid.
Yale University researchers conducted a study with the Milbank Memorial Fund to learn what the challenges were in implementing a more social services-oriented approach within health departments and across communities.
Leticia Peguero, Executive Director of the Andrus Family Fund, urged confrerence attendees to embrace a hashtag call to action: #hayotraforma (#thereisanotherway).