One of Michael Bloomberg's main contributions to the global fight against climate change has been to help mobilize cities to curb greenhouse gas emissions, improving the quality of life for ciitzens. Now, he is looking to do the same with improving...
Some funders in New York City and elsewhere remain deeply dedicated to libraries. Aso notable is an effort by a trio of funders who've come together to support New York's libraries.
New York Live Arts, under the artistic leadership of MacArthur Genius Award and National Medal of Arts awardee Artistic Director Bill T. Jones and Associate Artistic Director Janet Wong, announced the organization's 2017-2018 season.
The CBO has released its report on the impact of the Better Care Reconciliation Act, the Senate bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. If the bill were to become law, CBO projects that 22 million people would lose health insurance by...
Four teams consisting of architects, urban planners and designers were awarded $45,000 from the RPA and Rockefeller to address community development and environmental protection in four different tri-state areas.
Ana Oliveira, president and CEO of The New York Women’s Foundation and member of the Independent Commission on New York City Criminal Justice and Incarceration Reform, joins NYN Media Podcast to talk about what led to - and came out of - a report on...