New York Grantmakers in the Arts

New York Grantmakers in the Arts (NYGIA) is a peer network of grantmakers who fund arts-related organizations and programming in the New York metro area. NYGIA is a member-driven group that aims to provide information, resources, and networking opportunities for funders to invest strategically in growing and sustaining a strong, vibrant, and equitable cultural sector in New York City. In order to do this, we support our members by providing:

  • Panel and roundtable discussions that explore special topics in the field and address timely and critical needs;
  • Group trips to nonprofit arts organizations to foster collective learning among funders; and
  • Other gatherings to encourage exchange, peer mentorship, and collaboration

NYGIA also has a listserv for its members and invites its members to use it as a tool to better communicate within its own membership and with other working groups.

Currently, members are leading several ad hoc subcommittees to address common interests. Recent monthly call topics include arts and disability funding; AAPI funding trends in arts; and supporting NYC arts and culture reopening. Meeting invitations and call notes are available to listserv members. Please contact NYGIA co-chairs to inquire about joining the network:

  • Marianna Schaffer, Vice President of Programs, Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation (
  • Felix Endara, Senior Program Associate, Mesoamérica, Foundation for a Just Society (

Arts Sector Resources

May, 2015

View materials and the live stream recording of the program, "Funding General Operating Support."

December, 2014
View the materials and live stream recording of the program, "Big Ideas for Short Videos."
June, 2014
View a recording of the livestream and the PowerPoint Presentations and videos presented during the program Expanding Education, Youth Development, and Workforce Opportunities Through Digital Badges.