New York State Health Foundation's Nupur Chaudhury writes about the historical connection between design and health, and what funders can do to support reuniting the two fields.
Johnson & Johnson named Douglas Wallace, Ph.D., of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, winner of the 2017 Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research, and launched a campaign for champions of science - a new year-long, multi-faceted program...
Washington State and Minnesota are top-ranked states again, but all states lag in helping care for the growing populations of people aging and living with disabilities.
Repealing certain elements of the ACA—the Medicaid expansion and premium tax credits—could lead to 2.6 million jobs lost and lower gross state products of $1.5 trillion over five years, the Commonwealth Fund reports
The Global Polio Eradication Initiative has announced public and private pledges totaling $1.2 billion in support of efforts to eradicate polio, including $450 million from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
This NYSHealth-supported white paper, prepared by the New York State Public Health Association, outlines policy recommendations to address the use of Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems, otherwise known as e-cigarettes, vapes, and other similar...
Aetna Foundation and US News & World Report launch a project to research, analyze and report how communities with inventive policies and partnerships are changing citizens' health.