The Underpinning Stories: Climate & Innovation - A Webinar Hosted by CLIMA Fund

Wednesday, October 24, 2018 -
3:00pm to 4:30pm EDT
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*This program is hosted by our partner, the CLIMA Fund, who has extended an invitation to PNY members. Space is limited and will be granted on a first come, first served basis.*

This webinar is a part of a five-part series, The Underpinning Stories: A Funder's Dialogue Series About Climate Solutions:

Novel and creative ideas are needed to tackle the greatest challenge that has faced humanity - climate change. Yet there is significant disagreement about what constitutes innovation, and where that innovation is coming from. In this online conversation, we will unpack how funders understand innovation and what that means for those who receive funding. The session will include a dialogue between invited speakers, followed by smaller group conversations among participants. Please join the Climate Leaders In Movement Action (CLIMA) Fund (Global Greengrants, Grassroots International, Thousand Currents, and the Urgent Action Fund for Women's Rights) for an online dialogue. 

  • The assumptions and narrative frames funders use to understand innovation in climate action
  • How funders can invite failure and risk-taking by transferring the risk to ourselves as funders
  • How funders can listen more and "get out of the way" of communities doing the work
  • A new understanding of the hypotheses that funders hold about addressing the climate crisis and new ideas about how we are supporting climate solution practitioners as a community


Designed for

All interested funders.


Registration is required by October 23rd

Members and Non-Member Funders: Please click on the "Register Now" link above.

Please note: To ensure fairness among our members, we reserve the right to limit the number of attendees per organization for select professional development programs.

Please email with any questions.
