Performance Reviews for Changemakers: Can We Do Better?

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 -
2:30pm to 4:00pm EDT
Virtual Meeting - Register by 9/16
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The Foundation Administrators Network (FAN) is a Philanthropy New York professional peer network of HR and operations professionals at member grantmaking organizations. FAN hosts quarterly meetings on a broad range of topics relevant to HR and operations administration.

A performance review can be defined as a formal periodic assessment of an individual employee's work performance conducted by their immediate supervisor or manager. Ideally, there is a two-way discussion that encourages the employee's perspectives and a focus on the employee's development. It has also been referred to as "performance evaluation" or "performance appraisal." Whatever we call it, the performance review process has oftentimes been tied to feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, and less than positive emotions.

What are the reasons for this? And what if there’s a better way? 

A few questions to consider: Do your staff look forward to performance review time? Does your organization provide a culture of giving and receiving ongoing feedback? Does your performance review process result in engagement or anxiety? Do managers look forward to the process or is it a burden to take on?

Please join us for an interactive meeting to:

  • Hear from your peers about ways they are approaching performance reviews
  • Discuss approaches to develop more inclusive and engaging performance feedback processes
  • Learn how others are ensuring the process results in productive/constructive feedback

What will you learn?

  • Case studies of iterative ways in which the performance review process is evolving, including the conditions that are necessary to begin approaching the process with equity in mind
  • How to decouple compensation and performance review conversations
  • When to involve and how to prepare for conversations with key stakeholders, from staff to senior leadership to the board, as needed
  • Approaches managers can take when preparing to assess performance and deliver feedback
  • How to ensure that feedback is sourced and delivered in a way that is constructive and achievable

Who should attend?

All interested members, especially members who are people-managers and members of FAN, as well as prospective FAN members including human resources and operations managers who have a responsibility for designing or revamping performance feedback processes. What to expect: Interactive presentation and discussion, followed by small group discussions and sharing of approaches.



2:30 PM - 4:00 PM  Program

Registration is required by September 16th.

Members:  To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above.

Non-Member Funders:  Create an account or log in above and click the Register Now link.

Please email with any questions.

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