Thursday, March 17, 2016 -
9:00am to 10:30am EDT
Helmsley Charitable Trust, 230 Park Avenue, 4th Floor, NYC
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The Foundation Administrators Network (FAN) brings together HR and operations professionals to share knowledge and resources, to test complex ideas with peers about administrative issues related to managing a foundation, and to strengthen professional skills and expertise.
It isn’t uncommon in today’s workplace to work alongside colleagues from four, even five generations. Successful organizations aspire to understand and leverage how different life experiences of their staff impact their institutional outcomes. While we are careful not to overgeneralize characteristics that shape individuals - such as their skills, perspectives, workstyles, attitudes, etc. - there are undoubtedly themes that are unique to given generations, which are worth considering when aligning our organizational goals with our staff’s talent. Multigenerational dynamics are complex and can be approached from many frames.
At this meeting, we will explore the frameworks of communication; work/life balance; reward and incentive programs; and leadership development and succession planning.
- The importance of understanding generations
- Opportunities and challenges that a multigenerational workplace present
- Best practices that organizations are implementing to leverage the realities of intergenerational workplaces
- Gathering your input to inform future discussions on this critical topic of our time
Designed for
Members of FAN, as well as prospective FAN members who have a responsibility for foundation administration, including human resources and operations.
8:45-9:00 AM Check-in
9:00-10:30 AM Program
Registration is required by March 16.
Members only: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above.
*Reminder: As always, creating a confidential space at network meetings is very important. Please do not share specific details from the meetings with individuals outside the network.
Please contact ncollins@philanthropynewyork.org with questions or for further information on this program or on eligibility.