BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium VIII: Re-Imagining Impact

Tuesday, February 25, 2014 -
7:00am to 12:00pm EST
Baruch College School of Public Affairs
55 Lexington Ave., 14th floor, NYC
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Join the Education and Research Foundation of the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York as they present the "BBB Charity Effectiveness Symposium VIII: Re-Imagining Impact: Leadership Strategies for Greater Results."

Foundation leaders, nonprofit executives and impact assessment experts will share insights about setting and evaluating success metrics, lessons learned from collaborations and collective impact projects, and more.

A Philanthropy New York Collaborative Program with the Better Business Bureau of Metropolitan New York, Baruch College School of Public Affairs, BNY Mellon, EmblemHealth, Fiscal Management Associates, LLC, Foundation Center, Long Island Community Foundation, The New York Community Trust, New York Council on Nonprofits, Inc., NYC Dept. of Youth and Community Development, NYSAE, United Way of New York City, the Whelan Group, New York Society of Association Executives, Support Center,, VCG Governance Matters and Women in Development.

This Program is "Partially Open."

Keynote Speaker

    Melissa Berman, President and CEO, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors

Opening Speaker

    Lilliam Barrios-Paoli, NYC Deputy Mayor for Health and Human Services

Speakers and Panelists

Gordon Berlin, President, MDRC

Lori Bezahler, President and Board Secretary, Edward H. Hazen Foundation

Kavitha Mediratta, Programme Executive, Children and Youth, The Atlantic Philanthropies

Kevin Ryan, Program Director, New York Foundation

Deborah Thompson, Senior Program Officer, Altman Foundation
(List in formation)