Grantmaking Strategy & Tools

Capacity Building Across Borders: Philanthropy New York’s International Grantmakers Network

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Philanthropy New York members recently participated in the first session of our International Grantmakers Network program series, an opportunity to focus on how funders define and approach capacity building in an international context and to learn...

The Business of Philanthropy: “Exit Interviews” with Former and Departing Foundation CEOs

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How has the increasing influence of business techniques affected the world of philanthropy? Can corporate tools effectively measure success at foundations and nonprofits?

A Weak Foundation

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In our latest blog post, Ilene Mack, who served the philanthropic sector over a 33-year career with the Hearst Foundations and is now a member of several nonprofit boards, including the Nonprofit Coordinating Committee of New York’s, shares her...

Bridging the Knowledge Gap About Grantmaking for People with Disabilities

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On October 19th, Philanthropy New York held a collaborative program to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide funders with an opportunity to learn more about the Disability Funders Network and inclusive...
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Foundations Moving On: Ending Programmes and Funding Relationships

Whether you are part of a family foundation that runs its own programmes, a big corporate grantmaker, a small venture philanthropist, an NGO that re-grants resources from a back-donor, or a mix of any of the above, exits are inevitable. Funders move on, and relationships with grantees, partners, or investees change along the way. Exit decisions and strategies are complicated; while a diversity of experiences has not (yet) produced blueprints for smart exits, we’ve pulled our favourite practices.
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Learning Together: Collaborative Inquiry among Grantmakers and Grantees

Many grantmakers champion the idea of using evaluation to improve grantee effectiveness or advance a field of practice. It's a worthy endeavor, but how can you make it happen in the real world? This guide explores an increasingly popular method called "collaborative inquiry." Grantmakers define the practice, consider potential benefits and grapple with common challenges. A mini-case study shows how collaborative inquiry was used to support growth in a new field.
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