Over the past few months, a buzz has been created by the fact that some of the largest philanthropies in the United States have decided to increase their general support awards to their grantee organizations.
The recent report on ending the “Starvation Cycle” confirms that the vast majority of funding is project-based, that this type of funding rarely covers the full cost of the associated work, that “cost-minus” funding is not just unfair but also...
At the risk of sounding so uncool, it’s always been a guilty pleasure of mine to log onto Guidestar and read through 990s—the federal tax form that all 501(c)(3)s are required to file each year. I suppose I feel guilty because it makes me feel like...
Poses Family Foundation Program Managers Sara Adelsberg and Katina Mountanos say their foundation's approach to funding advocacy starts with deepening their own understanding.
Michael Seltzer, former PNY President, current Baruch College Distinguished Lecturer and Director of The New York Community Trust Leadership Fellows program, gives six essential perspectives on disaster recovery.
By applying behavioral economics theory to philanthropy, we can better manage grantmaker tendencies toward loss and risk aversion, and the effects of other decision-making patterns.