Habitat for Humanity of Worcester County has received a grant from The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation for its upcoming single-family home build in Bishopville, this fall.
Many Heliconius butterflies have wing patterns and colors that mimic other species to protect themselves from predators, and new research by scientists from the University of Chicago, funded by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, shows that in one...
The Rockefeller Foundation has given a $1 million grant to Dallas-based Impact Shares, which says it is the first 501(c)(3) nonprofit exchange-traded fund (ETF).
A three-year, $10 million grant by SNF aims to increase the impact of Special Olympics’ school-based inclusive sports and education programming in expanding it to more schools around the world.
Their first joint project showcases findings from expedition into first-ever U.S. national marine monument in the Atlantic Ocean and highlights the importance of marine monument protection