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17 Foundations Join Forces to Divest Fossil-Fuel Stocks

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The Educational Foundation of America and the Jessie Smith Noyes Foundation are among the 17 foundations who have vowed to divest the fossil fuel stocks in their endowments and invest at least five percent of their assets in clean-energy companies,...

New State-by-State Analysis: States Rejecting Medicaid Expansion Under the Affordable Care Act Are Costing Their Taxpayers Billions

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The 20 states choosing not to expand their Medicaid programs under the Affordable Care Act are forgoing billions of dollars in federal funds, while residents in their states are contributing to the cost of the expansions in other states, according to a new Commonwealth Fund study.
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Kathryn O’Neal-Dunham

As Chief Operations Officer, Kathryn O’Neal-Dunham serves as an integral member of the senior management team and helps craft, direct and implement the overall strategic work of Philanthropy New York.

Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Names Four Renowned Leaders in Global Service, Academia, and Management to its Board of Directors

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Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors (RPA) has elected four new members to its Board of Directors: writer and historian Barbara Bellows Rockefeller, Managing Director of G2 Investment Group Peter C. Rockefeller, Co-Founder and CEO of 3P Partners Wendy...

Philip Li Elected to Robert Sterling Clark Foundation Board of Directors

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The Robert Sterling Clark Foundation is pleased to announce that Philip Li has been elected to its Board of Directors. Li is the Chief Administrative Officer of The Century Foundation, a progressive think tank that focuses on issues of equality and...
