The North Star Fund Welcomes Kellie Terry as the new Philanthropy Programs Director The North Star Fund is thrilled to welcome Kellie Terry as North Star Fund's new Philanthropy Programs Director. Kellie’s working with the...
New analytical framework, developed based on input from dozens of foundations and nonprofit partners worldwide, enables funders to optimize how they achieve and evaluate impact
This new funding will allow Crisis Group to help meet the growing demand for pragmatic recommendations and local insights into both regional and global issues fuelling violence, like climate injustice and economic inequality.
The grants are going to nonprofit organizations supporting the arts, education, environment, informed communities, sector capacity building, and new Imagine a New Way and Momentum Fund grantees.
Please join us to hear updates on Title 42 and ongoing advocacy to restore the right to asylum in the U.S., how communities are scaling up humanitarian services and support for people arriving at the border, how advocates plan to counter anti-...
Join us for an interactive workshop to break down how to operationalize an oral and alternate reporting approach. During the session, we will focus on the nuts and bolts of implementing a new reporting method. We will begin to develop an Action Plan...
Join us for the launch of the Leadership Transitions Funders Group's Community of Practice approach and be a part of the next phase of this work to build on our learning to create a community of practice for leadership transitions. As philanthropy...
Join your PACNET peers for our May workshop to reflect and connect with your peers and practice ways to navigate difficult conversations around power dynamics, implicit bias, and/or other areas. From negotiating promotions to navigating challenging...
Join us for a conversation to help funders and nonprofits better understand and communicate what it actually costs to run effective organizations that achieve their intended goals.
Join us to discuss the meaning and experience of college in prison, celebrate TAP restoration in New York State and what it took to get here, and how funders can sustain this work to increase access to higher education in prison.
Please join us for a conversation with Rohit Aggarwala, New York City’s Chief Climate Officer and Commissioner for the Department of Environmental Protection.
What if we held an election and everyone voted? Making voting a required civic duty for every citizen would make dramatic improvements in American democracy. What's philanthropy's role?