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Pershing Square, Ford, Open Society Among Funders of Measures for Justice, Putting Data to Better Use

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The world of crowded jails, tense courtrooms, and cops on the beat is a far cry from the air-conditioned spaces data wonks usually inhabit. But according to Measures for Justice (MFJ), better data is key to reforming America’s hyper-localized...
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Rockefeller Foundation’s Focus on Food Waste Includes Food Summit and Pop-up at Blue Hill Restaurant Featuring Chef Dan Barber’s WastED Initiative

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Food Tank (, in partnership with The Fink Family Foundation and Blue Hill Restaurant, will be hosting a special intimate dinner discussion on September 13, 2017, at 7:30pm with leading food system thinkers such as Ruth Reichl, Sam Kass...
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Sloan Foundation Among Funders of World’s Smallest Neutrino Detector That Found A Big Physics Fingerprint

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After more than a year of operation at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, the COHERENT experiment, using the world’s smallest neutrino detector, has found a big fingerprint of the elusive, electrically neutral particles that interact only weakly with...
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Bloomberg Philanthropies: National Three-Year Evaluation of Municipal Financial Counseling Model Shows Financial Counseling Works as Public Program

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The Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund published An Evaluation of Financial Empowerment Centers: Building People's Financial Stability As a Public Service, a three-year assessment of the initiative's initial replication in 5 cities. Financial...
05 Oct 2017

Pulling Back the Curtain: Philanthropy’s Role in Bridging Research, Policy, and Practice to Improve Early Childhood Education

Thursday, October 5, 2017 -
9:00am to 11:00am
The social policy goals of our time are as big as they are important. Achieving them requires both robust research about what interventions work, for whom, and under what circumstances, and a collaborative approach where different stakeholders have...
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