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Cutting road traffic deaths and injuries by half could boost the economy and result in substantial long-term income gains in developing countries -- potentially adding 7 to 22 percent to GDP per capita over 24 years in some – as well as greatly...
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The University of Washington Commits to Recruiting and Retaining Low-Income Students Through Bloomberg Philanthropies-Funded American Talent Initiative

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Guerra and Hall were excited that the UW announced its commitment to graduate an additional 125 low-income students per cohort by 2025 through the American Talent Initiative (ATI). Funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, the ATI brings together a group...
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Report Funded by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation Finds That California Traffic Fines Prey on Poor

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A recent report by the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights of the San Francisco Bay Area, funded by the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, found that Bay Area sheriffs were four to 16 times more likely to book African Americans and Latinos into...
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