PNY Core: Financial Series

 Informing the Context for Philanthropic Work

 The PNY Core: Financial Series is a set of perennial programs at Philanthropy New York that help funders understand how to assess organizational health through financial analysis. These interactive offerings help funders build their skills to analyze grantee financial documents. What’s more, they help funders consider the role of financial review in the grantmaking process, and how to make that most useful to their funding institutions, as well as to their grantees.

Join us this March and April to explore how grantees assemble their financial statements and the stories they tell. You’ll engage in discussions on revising the language, practice, and purpose of financial due diligence to better reflect your organization’s values and foster a more trust-based, grantee-centered approach. Gain practical insights on incorporating equity into your financial review process, strengthen communication with grantees, and align your grantmaking with your core values. 

Who should attend?

Funders with less than two years of experience in the field – program-officers, CEOs, and other staff, as well as trustees. It is also recommended for experienced grantmakers seeking a refresher in the basic financial tools of grantmaking.

2025 Fundamentals to Financials

In this primer to the Financial Series, participants will get a peek into how a grantee assembles the financial statements and the stories they tell. This session will provide a foundational understanding of nonprofit financial management and reporting. It is a broad overview for all newcomers who must work with nonprofit organizations’ financial statements to assess financial health.

 Learn more and Register  

During this session, we will focus on a participatory discussion on revising language, practice, and purpose for an increasingly values-aligned and grantee-centered process. Grantmakers can often articulate resonant, relevant values that guide their grantmaking practices, but then struggle to incorporate those same values within their framework for financial due diligence.

Learn more and Register 

For any questions, comments, and/or recommendations, please contact Carolyn Peters, Manager of Learning Team.

Past Session Recordings (Member log-in required)
2024 Recordings
2023 Recordings


Applied Financial Analysis for Program Officers

2023 Recordings
  • Applied Financial Analysis for Program Officers: In this series, explore what it takes for a nonprofit to thrive over the long term, how to use financial analysis as a tool to identify resilience (or lack thereof), and what grantmakers can do to support nonprofits in achieving financial strength.