Thursday, September 10, 2015

This piece originally appeared on the Rockefeller Foundation Blog.
As part of The Rockefeller Foundation’s Workshift: #GoodJobsForAll campaign, we’ve spent the past two weeks exploring the question: what is a good job?
In New York City and Des Moines, we’ve hosted events to spark conversations about job quality across the country. And for those who haven’t been able to stop by an event in person, we’ve been encouraging people to join the dialogue on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to make their voices heard around the characteristics of a good job that matter most.
Through all of these discussions, we’ve seen an even deeper exploration of the four values that are key to good jobs in America: stability, opportunity, flexibility, and pride. Nevertheless, while all of these values should be present in a good job, some values matter more depending on where you’re at in life.
At our interactive installation in New York City, opportunity was key to defining a good job. And in Des Moines, we found that stability won the day for Iowa State Fair goers.
To further explore these two values, listen to Sheena and Pat's stories.
Do these stories sound familiar to you? We’d love to hear your thoughts on what makes a good job in the comments below or via social media using the hashtag #GoodJobsForAll. All jobs should be good jobs, and we’re working together with American workers themselves to create a renewed vision for what that means.