Every year, the nonprofits we support are forced to choose. Do they budget more for program or budget to invest in growth of their small donor or fee-for-service programs? What they ultimately are choosing between is performing more program work this year or having more funding in future years to sustain their mission.
Over the past several years, a small group of funders have invested in nonprofits to support their growing their fundraising and revenue generation capacity. This has included venture funding, funding nonprofit start-up incubators, and providing funds for particular revenue generation projects. A small group of these funders have spent two years evaluating the enabling environment of capacity building partners, vendors, skill sets in organizations, as well as available funding and financing.
- Building capacity through investment in scalable revenue generation
- Scalable revenue generation as a key strategic element for building power
- Early results of funders' studies in supporting this work
- Stakeholder engagement work: what's working, what's not, the gaps, and the road ahead
- Rachel Baker, Director of Haas Leadership Initiatives, Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund
- Guillermo Quinteros, Program Director, Solidago Foundation
- Phil Radford, President, Progressive Multiplier Fund
- Jay Beckner (Moderator), President, Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Designed for
All interested funders.
8:45 - 9:00 AM Check-in
9:00 - 11:00 AM Program
Registration is required by October 23rd
PNY Members: To register yourself and/or a colleague at your organization, please log in and click the Register Now link above.
Guests of Collaborators: Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org with your name, title, organizational affiliation, business mailing address, and phone number. Please indicate by which organizer you were invited. (no fee)
Non-Member Funders: Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org. ($150 fee)
Please note: To ensure fairness among our members, we reserve the right to limit the number of attendees per organization for select professional development programs.
Please email register@philanthropynewyork.org with any questions.
In collaboration with
Amalgamated Foundation
Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund
Ford Foundation
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Open Society Foundations
The Scherman Foundation