Thanks to grants from two foundations, Vision Loss Alliance of New Jersey is on track to open its Technology Learning Lab in early 2020 and enhance both the personal and professional lives of people with vision loss.
The Department of Economics at Spelman College will develop curriculum and programming to address the scarcity of Black women Ph.D.s in economics. thanks to funding from a Alfred P. Sloan Foundation grant.
Today, the Cambia Health Foundation and The John A. Hartford Foundation announced their partnership to co-fund seven national organizations working to improve care for older adults and other people facing serious illness and the end of life.
Human Ebola epidemics, like the current outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo, are known to start from a contact with wildlife infected with Ebola virus.
The San Francisco-based Libra Foundation has announced the hiring of Kathryn Snyder and maisha quint to lead its criminal justice grantmaking strategy.
Education is one of the four primary pillars of SNF’s grant-making activity, of which a particular focus is promoting international collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and exchange of ideas.
Marquette University has received a $7 million commitment from the Burke Foundation to continue two longstanding, highly regarded scholarship programs founded by Richard A. Burke.