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North Star's Hogan Calls for de Blasio to Give Acitivists a Bigger Role in Policymaking
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North Star Fund Executive Director Hugh Hogan questions de Blasio's claims of grassroots governance.
Twenty-Seven Foundation Executives Call for President Obama to 'Ban the Box'
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Darren Walker, President and CEO of the Ford Foundation was among the signers of the initiative that would remove the previous crime conviction box from job applications.
Wallace Foundation Releases Reports on Successful Audience-Building Efforts
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The case studies are the eighth and ninth in the 10-part Wallace Studies in Building Arts Audiences series.
The Mellon Foundation Backs Bard's Innovative Masters Program in Orchestral Performace Studies
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Bard College has been awarded a $2 million grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the launch of an innovative Master of Music Degree Program.
Commonwealth Fund Finds Mixed Views of PCPs Towards New Payment Models
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The Commonwealth Fund's new brief finds PCPs mixed on ACOs and PCMHs--but largely positive on healthcare IT.
Bank of America Provides Light to 500 Schools in the Developing World
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The foundation has donated $500,000 to the GivePower Foundation which provides solar powered lighting to schools.
OSF and Ford Help Address the 'Accountability Gap'
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The accountability gap is defined as the disconnect between what citizens expect and what governments do.
Century Foundation Explores the 'Double Burden' of Poverty
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The report examines racial disparity in concentrated poverty.
Carnegie-Backed Teacher Training Program Shows Early Signs of Success
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The fellowship program created by Leading Educators is showing promising results on student achievement, according to a preliminary evaluation.