The Rockefeller Foundation is helping to finance a startup hoping to build exchange-traded funds for nonprofit organizations and direct the profits back to their causes.
The Simons Collaboration on Special Holonomy in Geometry, Analysis, and Physics will hold its first Annual Meeting at the Simons Foundation on September 14 & 15, 2017. Spaces with special holonomy are of intrinsic interest in both mathematics...
I could not stop thinking about my initial discomfort. It nagged at me. What had caused this feeling of displacement? This was not my first time in an elite space. And I'm actually accustomed to feeling like I don’t fit in with those kinds of...
The humanities are on a roll. Perhaps it's some perverse byproduct of the Trump effect, but recent developments suggest that funders increasingly view the humanities as a concept that can benefit individual communities, job seekers and society as a...
The NoVo Foundation is seeking Letters of Inquiry (LOIs) for its Radical Hope Fund to support efforts that are bold and imaginative, focused on building the required movements, with efforts that will springboard communities forward in this moment of...
The Morton K. and Jane Blaustein Foundation funds $150,000 pilot to pair Baltimore police officers with social workers on calls that involve people in the throes of a mental health crisis in an effort to calm situations that can easily move from...
Three years ago, just four cities affiliated with 100 Resilient Cities employed a "chief resilience officer." As of late July, there were officially 79 within the initiative’s namesake cohort.
The U.S. Impact Investing Alliance announced the launch of its expanded network of impact investing leaders dedicated to advancing this growing market.
The nonprofit STRIVE New York has broadened its impact on urban youth unemployment by partnering with eCornell and local city organizations to launch Serve UP Harlem, an initiative to prepare 18- to 24-year-olds for career paths in food service,...