You've got a great idea. It might help the world. Or it might just help some people. Either way, you want to do good and make a living. So where do you start?
The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) have called on the Myanmar authorities to immediately stop violence in northern Rakhine State, and to promptly...
President Barack Obama’s former environment chief bemoaned the Trump administration’s efforts to roll back environmental oversight, but said moves to undo his climate legacy would not withstand legal challenges.
Jessica Bearman and Elizabeth Myrick, consultants to Project Streamline an initiative of PEAK Grantmaking, introduce Project Streamline's new effort around grant reporting practices.
United Hospital Fund paid tribute tonight at its annual gala to leaders in philanthropy, banking, and health care—James H. Simons, PhD, Priscilla Almodovar, Robert Gore, MD, and James R. Tallon, Jr.—in recognition of their important contributions to...
New York's health care spending overall and per capita are among the highest in the nation. Health care expenditures were the second highest in the country, totaling $193 billion in 2014, up from $165 billion in 2009. A new data snapshot from...
As the federal government plans to step up deportations of immigrants, the Fund for New Citizens in The New York Community Trust recently announced $974,000 in grants to 15 groups to help New York City's immigrants understand their rights and...
The News Integrity Initiative at the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism announced $1.8 million in grants that aim to improve people’s lives by fostering trust between newsrooms and the public and nurturing constructive, inclusive community...