"I am a black, gay man, so some might assume that I’m especially sensitive to these issues and dynamics. But during the past year I have had to confront my own ignorance and power, and come to terms with the ways I was inadvertently fueling...
Thanks to a new grant from UJA-Federation of New York, Limmud for the first time offered financial sustainability training in Prague to Jewish activists from 19 communities spanning Europe, 8-11 September 2016.
Jared Raynor and Deepti Sood of TCC Group partnered with Atlantic Philanthropies to create a video and guidlines for legal advocacy and why it’s important.
Several foundations are pooling resources to make 13 grants, totaling $835,600, to help young people use digital media to compose and record original music, advocate for immigrants' rights and school discipline reform, and produce documentary films.
Additional funds were committed by the Rackham Graduate School to permanently secure these positions. In 2007, a $1.97 million gift from the Mellon Foundation funded these positions for six years.
Saying it made a major mistake by overlooking the needs of people with disabilities in revamping its programs to focus on inequality, the Ford Foundation pledge Monday to undertake a top-to-bottom review of its policies and practices on the issue.