Michael R. Bloomberg’s Annual Letter on Philanthropy: “In the year ahead, as political candidates debate what to do in the future, we will work to improve the present by expanding our efforts”
Yes. At The Rockefeller Foundation, we believe some of the biggest challenges that limit the lives or prospects of vulnerable people are solvable — and solvable in our lifetime.
The John A. Hartford Foundation Announces Staff Promotions of Eva Cheng, Marcus Escobedo, Rani E. Snyder, and Hiring of Nancy Wexler as Program Officer.
Through the generous support of the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation, the Nature Conservancy has issued a Request for Proposals for two additional rounds of grant funding.
New York City is consistently at or near the top of the list when it comes to determining the nation’s most unaffordable cities. Foundations and other organizations that seek to combat poverty and inequality require a thorough understanding of who...