The Ford Foundation is planning on studying and underwriting what it calls a “new and dynamic form of social justice leadership and infrastructure,” by investing in the Black-Led Movement Fund.
The results stand in stark contrast to current views of thirst regulation, which hold that the brain signals for drinking to stop when it detects liquid-induced changes in blood concentration or volume.
A Foundation of Philanthropic Funds announced today that Jonathan E. Gold of New York, a prominent investment manager, has been elected to its Board of Directors.
Emily Gustafsson-Wright and Sophie Gardiner of The Brookings Institution encourage philanthropic actors to consider the high potential impact of contributing outcome funds to supplement government funding.
As a believer in leadership rotation and power sharing, NY Juvenile Justice Initiative (NYJJI) Chair Penny Willgerodt has stepped down to make way for new co-chairs Julie Peterson and Kaberi Banerjee Murthy.
Barton Gellman, currently a senior fellow at The Century Foundation, was a key figure in The Washington Post’s Pulitzer Prize-winning coverage of Snowden-leaked documents in 2013.
Originally Funded by Open Society Foundations, ACLU Shifts Gears in Campaign to Cut Jail Population The American Civil Liberties Union is retooling an ambitious, donor-funded effort to reduce incarceration across the country,...