Established by the Simons Foundation to advance knowledge of the processes that led to the emergence of life, the Simons Collaboration on the Origins of Life supports creative, innovative research on topics such as the astrophysical and planetary...
Johnson & Johnson named Douglas Wallace, Ph.D., of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, winner of the 2017 Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research, and launched a campaign for champions of science - a new year-long, multi-faceted program...
When it comes to scientific innovation, individuals, not organizations, are paramount, according to the Princeton, New Jersey-based Rita Allen Foundation.
In a new paper published in Nature Communications , scientists have uncovered the complex and remarkably different behavior arising in a liquid crystal drop that is drying.
The new study, which examined the cost-effectiveness of nudges and typical intervention strategies like financial incentives side-by-side, found that nudges often yield particularly high returns at a low cost when it comes to boosting retirement...
Generally speaking, foundations want to know what their grants are accomplishing, or whether they should be putting money somewhere else. This is understandable, to an extent.
Early-career biomedical scientists who explore mechanisms of memory, injury and immunity in the nervous system and beyond, are recognized as young leaders in science.