Environment and Climate Change

Mike Bloomberg Sends Statement to the United Nations Following Unprecedented Outpouring of Support for Paris Agreement

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Mike Bloomberg, the United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Cities and Climate Change and philanthropist, stating, "We are still in" sent the UN a statement of unity from hundreds of U.S. mayors, governors, state attorneys general, CEOs...
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Bloomberg Philanthropies Commits Up to $15 Million to Fill the Budget Gap Left by Trump’s Revoking U.S. Support For U.N. Climate Treaty

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In response to President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from participation in the Paris climate accord, Michael R. Bloomberg said that Bloomberg Philanthropies will commit up to $15 million to help fill the gap left by the U.S...
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Tiffany & Co. Makes Its Point: Presidents Come and Go, But Climate Change is Forever

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As the firing of FBI Director James Comey swamps the news cycle, an amazing public statement by Tiffany & Co. still glitters through the muck. On Tuesday morning, the legendary American jeweler issued a terse but vehement pitch in favor of the...


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