Economic Security

Gates Foundation, Open Society Foundations, and The Rockefeller Foundation Announce New Recipients of Multilateral Development Banks Challenge Fund

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CDB, FDS Africa, IDB Invest, Risk Control, University Freiburg & University of Leeds selected to help increase efficiency and innovation in the world’s development finance system

The New York Women's Foundation Announces Spring 2023 Grantmaking Efforts with a Focus on Economic Justice, Ending Mass Incarceration and Defending Transgender Rights

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Over $1.5 million in funding awarded in Foundation's latest round of grantmaking to directly address urgent issues currently facing New York City and beyond with newly expanded geographic reach
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The Rockefeller Foundation, Open Society Foundations, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Create New Multilateral Development Banks Challenge Fund To Increase Investment in Developing Countries

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New fund will help to expand capacity of development banks around the world to scale up lending in low- and middle-income countries in line with the new G20 Capital Adequacy Review Commission recommendations


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