Economic Security

Gender Lens on Poverty Primer

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This National Council for Research on Women primer is a composite snapshot of extreme to near poverty in the U.S. today and the special challenges it poses for women. Compiling the research of leading scholars and policy thinkers, the primer highlights the realities and (non-) choices available to women living in poverty.
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Lessons from the Field: Becoming Strategic: The Evolution of the Flinn Foundation

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In 2002, Arizona’s Flinn Foundation began implementing a strategy that focused on boosting its state’s bioscience economy and relied heavily on building collaborative partnerships. Since that time, Arizona has had dramatic increases in jobs, research funding, businesses, and wages within the bioscience sector. This case study illustrates the benefits of taking a strategic approach to maximize a foundation’s impact. It describes how Flinn’s leaders narrowed the Foundation’s focus and assessed its performance.
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