*This program is hosted by our partner, Carnegie Corporation of New York, who has extended an invitation to PNY members. Space is limited and will be granted on a first come, first served basis.*
When created in 2003, The Four Freedoms Fund (FFF) - housed at NEO Philanthropy - supported just a handful of organizations; by 2020, it supported 144 grantees in more than 30 states and Washington, DC, and provided more than 60 grantees with capacity building and technical assistance.
Carnegie Corporation has commissioned a report on its impact in building the immigrant justice movement which will be out later this month. Join Carnegie and its partners in a webinar to discuss the report's findings and next steps.
- Questions on best practices in movement-building
- Successes and challenges in building a nationwide movement for immigrant justice
- How these lessons can be applied by other funders across a diverse set of issue areas, e.g., education, civic engagement, peace and security, climate, income security, among others
Opening Remarks
- Taryn Higashi, Executive Director, Unbound Philanthropy
- Geri Mannion, Director, Strengthening Democracy Program and Special Opportunities Fund, Carnegie Corporation of New York
- Becky Belcore, Executive Director, National Korean American Service and Education Consortium
- Andrea Guerrero, Executive Director, Alliance San Diego
- Maria Rodriguez, Executive Director, Florida Immigrant Coalition
- Marialena Hincapie (Moderator), Executive Director, National Immigration Law Center
Designed for
All interested funders.
Registration is required by April 29th.
Members and Non-Member Funders: Please click on the "Register Now" link above. Dial-in and webinar information will be emailed to you before the webinar.