Funders Briefing | Northern California Wildfires and Public Safety Power Shutoff: Who’s Affected, What’s Needed from Philanthropy - A Webinar Hosted by Northern California Grantmakers

Tuesday, October 29, 2019 -
1:00pm to 2:00pm EDT
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*This program is hosted by our partner, Northern California Grantmakers, who has extended an invitation to PNY members. Space is limited and will be granted on a first come, first served basis.*

The wildfires and the Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) in Northern California have caused major disruptions for Bay Area residents. To date, over 180,000 people are displaced from their homes and nearly 1 million are without power. These events burden people with the least access to resources and barrier to mobility including 1) people with disabilities, 2) immigrants and farm workers, 3) low-income residents, and 4) older adults and seniors.

We are hearing stories of communities pulling together responses to support each other and instances where the social safety nets are inadequate. As a result, informal groups and community-based organizations are stepping up to fill in the disaster response gaps.

  • Best practices for supporting people with the least access to resources: 1) people with disabilities, 2) immigrants and farm workers, 3) low-income residents and 4) older adults and seniors


Designed for

All interested funders. Please note that webinars are open to NCG members, other grantmaking institutions, philanthropic advisors, and members and staff of funder affinity groups and regional associations of grantmakers.


Registration is required by  October 29th.

Members and Non-Member Funders: Please click on the "Register Now" link above. Dial-in and webinar information will be emailed to you before the webinar.
Please email with any questions.

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