Economics, Equity, and the Case for Supporting the Care Infrastructure in Greater New York - A Webinar Hosted by AFN and NYWF

Tuesday, January 11, 2022 -
9:30am to 11:15am EST
Webinar - Register by 1/10
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COVID-19 has had devastating impact on American workers, particularly women and people of color. Failure to adopt a solid caregiving infrastructure leaves families struggling financially and logistically with the burden of providing quality care for loved ones while juggling the day-to-day challenges of jobs and livelihood.

Lack of common-sense protections such as universal paid leave, high quality affordable childcare, and wrap-around services harms women and workers. But caregiving isn’t merely a women’s issue, lack of quality care harms our economy. Building a better caregiving infrastructure will require us to unravel interlocking legacies of racism, sexism, ageism, and ableism that led us to undervalue those who give and receive care.

In June of 2021, Asset Funders Network released a national brief that detailed how care impacts economic recovery, family economic security, equity, and the well-being of children, older adults, and people with disabilities. The brief identifies the policies, priorities, and support coalitions needed to build a better care-giving infrastructure and how philanthropy can help.


  • How does the lack of childcare continue to exacerbate economic insecurity for greater New York families and workers?
  • What are the most effective local, regional, and national solutions?
  • What are the most effective ways for philanthropy to support the short-, medium-, and long-term needs of building better childcare solutions?
  • What is the radical vision we want to see around caregiving and what role can funders play in advancing this vision?
  • How is the narrative around caregiving shifting to tell a better story about why we need to value caregiving and caregivers?


Who should attend?

All interested funders.


9:30 AM - 11:15 AM Program

Registration is required by January 10th. 
Members and Non-Member Funders: Please click on the "Register Now" link above. Webinar information will be emailed to you before the webinar.

Please note: To ensure fairness among our members, we reserve the right to limit the number of attendees per organization for select professional development programs.
Please email with any questions.

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