Applications for the 2014 New York Community Trust Nonprofit Excellence Awards up by 25 percent overall – three times the number of Long Island organizations apply; Applications from Brooklyn and Queens double.
Check out the video of these amazing women on our 2014 Annual Meeting landing page, which also includes a slide show of pictures from the day and a Storify of tweets.
Billionaire philanthropists are moving beyond traditional charitable causes and tackling policy-oriented issues like climate change, gun control, immigration, and public pensions.
For funders bailing out Detroit, does the funding commit them to a long-term engagement or is it a one-time rescue mission? Ford Foundation discussed in The Atlantic.
John Hoover of The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies has a different perspective about perpetuity. He writes that spending down is a healthy issue for donors and Boards to consider, but there are significant points of clarification to think...