Essential Skills and Strategies (ESS): Tools and Techniques for Effective Practice is an intensive peer learning program we offer each January to program officers and directors newer to the philanthropic sector
Philanthropy New York is excited to announce that our 2020 Young Leaders Breakfast Club will run from May 2020 to December 2020. YLBC is geared toward philanthropy professionals who have five to fifteen years of experience, with an intentional focus...
... Sabrina Hargrave, Vice President for Programs at Brooklyn Org . Brooklyn Org has been using a participatory grantmaking model for ... to more effective and relevant grantmaking. At Brooklyn Org...
We are delighted to feature one of Philanthropy New York’s newest members, The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies (ACBP), in the first edition of our Member Spotlight. We asked Jeffrey R. Solomon , ACBP’s President, about...
The National Gallery of Art is such a fixture in Washington that it’s hard to remember that it didn’t open until 1941, thanks to the vision of Andrew Mellon.