PNY Officially Endorses Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice

The Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice outlines 33 principles of sound practice for charitable organizations and foundations related to legal compliance and public disclosure, effective governance, financial oversight, and responsible fundraising. The Principles should be considered by every charitable organization as a guide for strengthening its effectiveness and accountability. The Principles were developed by the Panel on the Nonprofit Sector in 2007 and updated in 2015 to reflect new circumstances in which the charitable sector functions, and new relationships within and between the sectors.

Philanthropy New York generally supports fellow philanthropic and nonprofit infrastructure organizations in their efforts to increase the strength, integrity and governance of the field.  PNY’s Public Policy Committee has recommended that our organization endorse the Independent Sector’s Principles for Good Governance and Ethical Practice.  We are now requesting member input on whether or not we should officially endorse these principles.